
Nicholas Stroustrup

Group Leader in the EMBL/CRG Systems Biology Unit

Ph.D Systems Biology, Havard U 2013
BS.E Electical Engineering

Nicholas is an electrical engineer and molecular geneticist studying aging and complex systems approaches in physiology.

Lucia Sedlackova

Postdoctoral Fellow
Lucia has a Ph.D in Biosciences

Matthias Eder

Postdoctoral Fellow
Matthias has a Ph.D Quantitative Genetics

Jeremy Vicencio

Research Technician
Matthias has a Ph.D Quantitative Genetics, and is interested in developing transcription methods to study physiologic variation during aging

Daisuke Chihara

Laboratory Manager
Ph.D Developmental Genetics


Olivier Martin

Ph.D Student
M.Sc Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Masters in Biochemistry

Natasha Oswal

Ph.D Student
M.Sc Biotechnology

Arturo D’Angelo

Microscopy Specialist

Andrea del Carmen Fabregat

Ph.D Student
M.Sc in Translational Medicine


Rute Fernandes
Marie Curie Postdoctoral fellow

Monika Matusiak-Brückner
Ph.D Student

Emanuele Fara
BIST Masters student

JaiQi Cheng Zhang
CRG Summer Intern

Marcel Buen
BIST Masters Student

Sofia Stroustrup
CRG Summer Intern